Illinois State is reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions across the University. We do this through energy conservation projects, our daily operations, outreach, and academic programs.
Our office provides guidance on environmental, economic, and social responsibility across campus. The Office of Energy Management procures the energy and resources to make sure we're being environmentally and fiscally responsible.
Energy at Illinois State
We're conserving energy across campus and taking action to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Our energy sources are teaching tools. Students and faculty can evaluate our consumptions and areas for improvements.
Our future is renewable energy.
We're actively pursing renewable energy sources to power our campus, including solar and wind with opportunities for onsite generation. This means we create the energy and use the energy.
Conservation Strategies
Metering on Major Buildings
We have recently installed steam, chilled water and electricity meters on our major buildings. We use this information to compare buildings to each other and EPA Energy Star standards. We also analyze trends and patterns to determine which buildings require attention to get them operating as designed in a comfortable and efficient manner.
LED Lighting
Lights on campus consume a significant portion of the electricity. ISU has been upgrading to LED lights throughout the campus either as part of location remodels or as a stand alone projects when energy cost and maintenance costs justify the upgrades. In many cases lighting controls are also upgraded to take advantage of natural light and occupancy sensing. Some prominent examples of upgrades include the lights on the quad and the Main Street pedestrian underpasses.
We're working to add more solar panels around campus to lessen our dependence on fossil fuel. Our current solar panels on campus serve as research and educational tools for renewable energy majors. They are located at:
Horticulture Center
Type: Demonstration hybrid 1kW wind/1 kW Solar grid-tie
Turner Hall
Type: Photovoltaic panels
You can also find solar picnic tables around campus to sit and charge your devices.
Get Involved with Renewable Energy
Make renewable energy part of your future career.
Check out our Sustainable and Renewable Energy major.
You can also get involved in a registered student organization, like the Renewable Energy Society and the Solar Car Team.
The Renewable Energy Society created a solar grill that uses energy from the sun to cook instead of gas.
There are lots of words associated with sustainability.
View the Data
See how much energy we're using around campus.
Reduce Your Energy Consumption
Here's how you can play an important role in conserving energy.
See It in Action
Take a tour or schedule a presentation to see all our energy conservation improvements.